Baaley Hamlacha 1st

Baaley Hamlacha 1st с сайта Kiriyat Bialik:
LYISH ENGINEERING paper converting machinery is one of the leading manufacturers of converting machinery for the Tissue Paper and non-woven products.
From it’s inception the company strategy has been to produce low-cost equipment which is versatile yet simple to operate and maintain , while at the same time producing top quality end products at a high production rates.
During the Covid-19 we've supplied large number of rewinders for non-woven roll producers in UK, Europe and USA.
Over the last 15 years our production was mainly focused in Laminating line for the tissue paper industry, and machinery for nonwoven producers (folding / rewinding and cutting machines)
The advanced laminating lines we supply, enable the producer to change product quickly - from toilet rolls -to- large towels and from small rolls diam to a large rolls - up to 350mm Diam - on the same machine.
The machines we supply are designed for minimal maintainance, and max relability. That is the main reason for most of our sells each year are from repetive clients of ours.
contact mail:
Г-н Ofer Levinson
Baaley Hamlacha 1st
2751302 Kiriyat Bialik
LYISH Engineering Ltd.
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