Порционный упаковщик сливочного масла Benhil 8358 и 8535 с двойным наполнениемBENHIL Butter Packing
8358 & 8535
Порционный упаковщик сливочного масла Benhil 8358 и 8535 с двойным наполнением
BENHIL Butter Packing
8358 & 8535
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- Описание оборудования:
- Порционный упаковщик сливочного масла Benhil 8358 и 8535 с двойным наполнением
- Производитель:
- BENHIL Butter Packing
- Модель:
- 8358 & 8535
- Состояние:
- б/у
- Местоположение:
- Derby, UK
- Код объявления:
- A17252642
- Справочный номер:
- 5557896
- Последнее обновление:
- в 04.02.2025
Benhil 8358 & 8535 Порционный упаковщик масла с двойной начинкой / Формат: 25 x 41 мм / Бункер из нержавеющей стали / Подача бумаги под углом 90 градусов / Производительность до 510 штук в минуту Benhil 8358 & 8535 Порционный упаковщик масла с двойной начинкой Станции: Подача бумаги, разделение бумаги, коробка для формирования бумаги, наполнение, упаковка, прессование, выходной конвейер, полуавтоматический ротационный картонный упаковщик. Производительность: 420 -510 штук в минуту в зависимости от веса продукта Модель: 8535 Расположение: На складе
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Объявление было переведено автоматически, в связи с чем могут иметь место некоторые ошибки перевода.
Контактное лицо: Г-н Nikolas T
Sir Francis’s Ley Industrial Part Unit8B
DE238XA Derby, Соединённое Королевство
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Dairy Machinery UK is here to help you find buyers for your machinery.
Our aim is to find you the best possible price.
We buy your used machines. We have many years experience in producing our own dairy products so we can help you decide on the best possible dairy production lines and assist with the product itself.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure you reach your optimal goal.
We have experience in reconditioning machines such as processing equipment, ice cream machines, bottle-filling machines, butter wrappers, cup fillers, lablelling machines, packaging machinery and separators.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure your business succeeds in today's competitive market. Dairy Machinery UK is here to help you find buyers for your machinery.
Our aim is to find you the best possible price.
RF Group Of Comapnies , has been in the used equipment market from 2009. The companies unders this Group are Meat Machinery UK ,Dairy Machinery UK and M Davis Group Europe . We have provided used and new machines to over 35 countries having a total of sales up to 2016 of 1000`s machines .
Meat Machinery UK has been established in order to cover the meat industry providing used machines , services and refurbishments on the equipment sold .
Our Sales Directors and Equipment Managers travel the globe in order to find equipment at competitive prices and top quality .
We hold our HQ in Derby, United Kingdom . A range of machines can be found at our premises also we can source machines through out our contacts , still keeping low costs and quality assured .
We buy your used machines. We have many years experience in producing our own dairy products so we can help you decide on the best possible dairy production lines and assist with the product itself.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure you reach your optimal goal.
We have experience in reconditioning machines such as processing equipment, ice cream machines, bottle-filling machines, butter wrappers, cup fillers, lablelling machines, packaging machinery and separators.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure your business succeeds in today's competitive market.
Our aim is to find you the best possible price.
We buy your used machines. We have many years experience in producing our own dairy products so we can help you decide on the best possible dairy production lines and assist with the product itself.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure you reach your optimal goal.
We have experience in reconditioning machines such as processing equipment, ice cream machines, bottle-filling machines, butter wrappers, cup fillers, lablelling machines, packaging machinery and separators.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure your business succeeds in today's competitive market. Dairy Machinery UK is here to help you find buyers for your machinery.
Our aim is to find you the best possible price.
RF Group Of Comapnies , has been in the used equipment market from 2009. The companies unders this Group are Meat Machinery UK ,Dairy Machinery UK and M Davis Group Europe . We have provided used and new machines to over 35 countries having a total of sales up to 2016 of 1000`s machines .
Meat Machinery UK has been established in order to cover the meat industry providing used machines , services and refurbishments on the equipment sold .
Our Sales Directors and Equipment Managers travel the globe in order to find equipment at competitive prices and top quality .
We hold our HQ in Derby, United Kingdom . A range of machines can be found at our premises also we can source machines through out our contacts , still keeping low costs and quality assured .
We buy your used machines. We have many years experience in producing our own dairy products so we can help you decide on the best possible dairy production lines and assist with the product itself.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure you reach your optimal goal.
We have experience in reconditioning machines such as processing equipment, ice cream machines, bottle-filling machines, butter wrappers, cup fillers, lablelling machines, packaging machinery and separators.
Take advantage of our vast experience and our professional and reliable approach. Dairy Machinery UK will help you make the right decision to ensure your business succeeds in today's competitive market.
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